Selasa, 22 April 2014

Tugas Softskill (B. inggris bisnis 2)

 Perbandingan Bisnis di Indonesia dengan Thailand

Indonesia's economy in the first period in 1997 showed reasonably good performance, characterized by the strengthening of macroeconomic indicators. Indonesia has a low inflation rate, the trade surplus of more than U.S. $ 900 million, a large supply of currency, more than U.S. $ 20 billion and the bank sector good. Indonesia has a low inflation rate, the trade surplus of more than U.S. $ 900 million, a large supply of currency, more than U.S. $ 20 billion and the bank sector good. However, then the Indonesian economy experienced a change in mid-1997. Problem trade in foreign exchange in Thailand affecting the foreign exchange market in other countries, including Indonesia. Pada akhir tahun 1997 terjadi depresissi riil nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS sebesar 68,7%. The weakening of the exchange rate affects the balance of payments due to the amount of foreign debt that is getting bigger. In addition there is also a disruption of the external balance of internal imbalance. November 1997, the financial crisis in Indonesia has become stronger as a result of the devaluation of the dollar borrowing rupiah.Perusahaan should bear greater costs due to a decrease in the exchange rate. The borrower companies mambeli dollars so the lower the exchange rate. As a result, by the end of 1997 occurred kenikan price of goods thereby increasing the inflation rate of 11.1%. inflation continues to rise until it reaches 77.6% in the following year. While economic growth (real GDP) at the end of 1997 by 4.7% and by the end of 1998 fell by 13.2%.

Krisis finansial ini berdampak sangat negatif terhadap sektor industri. which resulted in some branches of industry should grow negative. although there are still some branches of industry that can still grow. The growth of industrial sector in Indonesia in 1997 decreased to 6.1% in 1998 bahakan reach -13.1%. But in its development, Indonesia's industrial sector experienced steady growth due to recovery in macroeconomic conditions. In 2000 Indonesia's industrial sector reached U.S. $ 41.9 billion in 2001 to U.S. $ 92.6 billion in 2002 to U.S. $ 117.7 billion, in 2003 fell to U.S. $ 68.8 billion in 2004 and rose again to U.S. $ 71.6 billion. Average growth rate of industrial sector in Indonesia for 5 years at 15.16%.

Thailand economy 1985 to 1995 experienced a steady growth which reached an average of 9%. Thailand's economy underwent significant changes after a major speculation against the baht currency in mid-1997. Mata uang Baht melemah dan jatuh ke titik terendah di 56 terhadap dollar AS pada bulan Januari 1998. Perusahaan-perusahaan Thailand terancam pailit, bahkan Finance One salah satu perusahaan keuangan Thailand terbesar mengalami kebangkrutan. International Monetary Fund (IMF) provide rescue the Thai economy through the provision of funds amounting to U.S. $ 16 million (Wikipedia: 2003). The movement of the Thai economy at the community level raises strengthening the microeconomic Thailand. Strengthening the key of Thailand out of the crisis. Micro-economic development of Thailand by utilizing the domestic market that emphasizes small businesses drive economic growth is quite rapid. In 2002 reached 5%, reaching 6.9% in 2003 and reached 6.1% in 2004.

Geographically, Indonesia is almost the same as Thailand. In terms of natural resources, Indonesia has the advantage with many natural resources, such as minerals and oil. In terms of human resources, in Indonesia is widely available at a lower cost than the neighboring country. However, based on data from World Bank Indonesia industry lags behind the other countries during the period 1965 to 1995 in which Indonesian industry level is at the lowest rank until the early 1990s. Contribution of the industrial sector in this period only about 20% of the gross domestic product (GDP), while Thailand reached that number in the 1980s (Siallagan: 2006).

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