Senin, 23 Mei 2011

artikel Present Perfect Tense

          The birth of the first nationalist movement Boedi Oetomo on 20 May 1908, nearly a hundred years ago. This national movement led by Dr. Soetomo in Jakarta. With the encouragement Boedi Oetomo birth to this, then SI was born, in 1912, under the leadership of Haji OS Tjokroaminoto with Haji Agus Salim and Abdul Muis. In 1912 it was born is also one of the most important political movement, namely the Indische Partij dimpimpin by Douwes Dekker (Dr. Setiabudhi), RM Suwardi Suryaningrat and Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo. In 1913, the party was banned by the Dutch colonial government and its leaders were rounded up and then dumped in exile.

          In the aftermath of this development, then in 1914 an organization was born in Semarang berfaham left (communists), the Indische Sociaal Democratic Vereeniging (ISDV) under the leadership of Sneevliet and Semaun. In the year 1920 (May 23) ISDV has been changed to the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), with the leadership Semaun too. In the struggle against Dutch colonialism, the PKI has sparked rebel in Banten, Jakarta and Yogyakarta in 1926, and later also in West Sumatra in 1927. After the rebellion was suppressed by the Dutch colonial administration, the leadership and thousands of PKI members were arrested, and later into exile in red soil.

          Jody with the above history, it's time we as a society Indonesia unite to rebuild a country for several years has continuously given the trials and calamities, and rampant criminal cases from the start made by people who perkenomiannya weak even to the officials constantly stealing state assets Indonesia. Therefore, let's start of National Awakening Day this year with their introspection. Let's fix both moral of each of us and also moral Indonesian society as a whole, so our expectations, with good morals of society, then our beloved country is going to be good also.

          In addition to good morals, that is no less important is the issue of education in our country. With this moment of National Awakening Day, let us equally contributing and best solutions to build Indonesia's education is good and qualified. Due to the moral good of human resources and has a good quantity and quality of the Indonesian nation can rise up into a good and dignified nation.

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Present Perfect Tense

Formula untuk Present Perfect Tense adalah:

Subject + (has/have) + verb3 + object + modifier

1. Farmers in Jati Bali have grown rice crops since 1970.
2. Some students have conducted research on vegetative plant propagations for two months.
3. Transpiration has started to increase since three hours ago.

Note: HAS VERB3 digunakan jika subjectnya singular, yaitu jika subjectnya adalah he, she, it dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan subject pronoun he, she atau it. Sebaliknya, HAVE VERB3 digunakan jika subjectnya plural, yaitu jika subjectnya adalah I, you, they, we, dan noun yang dapat digantikan dengan subject pronoun I, you, they, atau we.

Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense
Pada dasarnya, penggunaan Present Perfect Tense dapat dikelompokkan dalam 3 kategori, yaitu:
  1. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas sudah terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak spesifik   (unspecified/indefinite time) di masa lampau.
a) John has traveled around the world.
b) She has read the entire book.
c) I have eaten.
d) Someone has stolen my book.
e) They have gone.

Note: Pada contoh di atas, kita tidak tahu kapan John bertamasya ke seluruh dunia, kapan dia membaca buku, kapan saya makan, kapan seseorang mencuri buku saya, kapan mereka pergi. Yang menjadi penekanan adalah kejadian/aktivitas tersebut telah terjadi/dilakukan.

  1. Untuk menyatakan kekerapan (berapa kali) kejadian/aktivitas terjadi/dilakukan pada waktu yang tidak spesifik (unspecified/indefinite time) di masa lampau.

a) I have seen the Titanic three times.
b) She has fallen in love ten times.
c) They have failed the exam twice.
d) My car has broken down five times.
e) Our dean has punished that very rebellious student three times.

Note: Pada contoh di atas, kita tidak tahu kapan saya nonton Titanic, kapan dia jatuh cinta, kapan mereka gagal ujian, kapan mobil saya rusak, kapan dekan menghukum mahasiswa pembangkang itu. Yang menjadi penekanan adalah berapa kali kejadian/aktivitas tersebut telah terjadi/dilakukan dari dulu samapi NOW; apakah once (sekali), twice/two times (dua kali), trice/three times (tiga kali), ten times (sepuluh kali), dan seterusnya.

  1. Untuk menyatakan bahwa kejadian/aktivitas terus terjadi/dilakukan mulai dari waktu tertentu di masa lampau sampai sekarang (now).
a) I have lived in this house for nine years.
b) We have studied English since a month ago.
c) He has married her for nineteen years.
d) Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place since 1980.
e) She has waited for her boyfriend for an hour.

Note: Semua kejadian/aktivitas pada kelima contoh di atas masih berlangsung sampai saat diungkapkan (now). Kejadian/aktivitas seperti ini juga dapat dinyatakan dengan present perfect continuous tense dengan tanpa merubah makna kalimat.

Penggunaan For dan Since
Khusus untuk penggunaan present perfect tense yang ketiga ini, waktu kejadian/aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subject dinyatakan dengan menggunakan for dan since. For (berarti selama) diikuti oleh durasi atau lamanya waktu kejadian. Misalnya: for thirty years (selama 30 tahun), for ten minutes (selama 10 menit), for a week (selama seminggu), etc. Sedangkan, since (berarti sejak) diikuti oleh kapan kejadian/aktivitas itu dimulai. Misalnya: since 1985 (sejak tahun 1985), since January (sejak bulan Januari), since 2 o’clock (sejak jam 2), etc.
Perhatikan kelima contoh di atas. Jika for diganti dengan since, atau sebaliknya, maka kalimat di atas menjadi:
1. I have lived in this house since 2000.
2. We have studied English for a month.
3. He has married her since 1990.
4. Mr. Johnson has worked in the same place for twenty-nine years.
5. She has waited for her boyfriend since an hour ago.

Negative Form
Bentuk negatif kalimat dalam Present Perfect Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan not setelah auxilary has/have, seperti yang terlihat dalam formula berikut,

Subject + (has/have) + not + verb3 + object + modifier

Note: (has not) dapat disingkat menjadi hasn’t, sedangkan (have not) dapat disingkat menjadi haven’t.

1. John has not traveled around the world.
2. She has not read the entire book.
3. I have not eaten.
4. Someone has not stolen my book.
5. They have not gone.

Yes/No Questions
Yes/No Questions untuk Present Perfect Tense adalah sebagai berikut:

(Has/have) + subject + verb3+ object + modifier?

1. Has John traveled around the world?
2. Has she read the entire book?
3. Have you eaten?
4. Has someone stolen your book?
5. Have they gone?

Penggunaan already dan yet
  • Adverb already digunakan untuk mempertegas pernyatakan bahwa sesuatu telah atau belum terjadi pada waktu yang tidak spesifik (unspecified time) di masa lampau. Already (telah/sudah) digunakan pada kalimat positif, sedangkan yet (belum) digunakan pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya.
Already biasanya diletakkan di antara auxiliary (has/have) dan verb3, tetapi bisa juga diletakkan diakhir kalimat tanpa merubah arti kalimat, seperti terlihat dalam formula berikut:.

Subject + (has/have) + already + verb3 + object + modifier
Subject + (has/have) + Verb3 + object + modifier + already

1. John has already traveled around the world. Atau, John has traveled around the world already.
2. She has already read the entire book. Atau, She has read the entire book already.
3. I have already eaten. Atau, I have eaten already.
4. Someone has already stolen my book. Atau, Someone has stolen my book already.
5. They have already gone. Atau, They have gone already.
  • Adverb yet digunakan pada negative form (kalimat negative) dan interogative form (kalimat tanya), yang biasanya ditempatkan di akhir kalimat, seperti pada formula berikut ini:
Subject + (has/have) + not + verb3 + object + modifier + yet

Selain itu, yet juga bisa juga ditempatkan di tengah kalimat (yaitu setelah has/have) dengan formula sebagai berikut:

Subject + (has/have) + yet + (to + Verb1) + object + modifier

Note: verb3 berubah menjadi infinitive (to + verb1). Dan, walaupun tidak ada not, kalimat ini bermakna negatif (maknanya sama dengan jika yet ditempatkan di akhir kalimat).

1. John has not traveled around the world yet. Atau, John has yet to travel around the world.
2. She has not read the entire book yet. Atau, She has yet to read the entire book.
3. I have not eaten yet. Atau, I have yet to eat.
4. Someone has not stolen my book yet. Atau, Someone has yet to steal my book
5. They haven’t gone yet. Atau, They have yet to go.

Dalam kalimat tanya, yet umumnya ditempatkan diakhir kalimat.

1. Has John traveled around the world yet?
2. Has she read the entire book yet?
3. Have you eaten yet?
4. Has someone found your book yet?
5. Have they gone yet?

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Foreign Exchange ( artikel pasive)

          An over-the-counter market where bought and sellers conduct foreign exchage transactions. The Forex market is useful because it helps enable trade and transactions between countries, and it also allows an investment opportunity for risk seeking investors who don't mind engaging in speculation. Individuals who trade in the Forex market typically look carefully at a country's economic and political situation, as these factors can influence the direction of its currency. One of the unique aspects of the Forex market is that the volume of trading is so high, partially because the units exchanged are so small. It is estimated that around $4 trillion goes through the Forex market each day. also called foreign exchange market.
          The Forex, and also known as "The Foreign Exchange" market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It's the largest financial market in the world. Simply if we compare the New York Stock Exchange trades vs changing hands in forex, we will discover Forex market is a lot of times largest than both Equity and Treasury markets combined.
Forex or "Foreign Exchange" is where the money of one nation is traded with another. The most important and popular pairs of exchange in the forex market are "Euro Dollar", and you will see this pairs in all forex display screens as "EUR/USD". There are also a lot of others pairs but sure not important and not famous as "EUR/USD" pairs, like.
1-The British Pound, and you will see this pairs in all forex display screens as "GBP/USD".
2- The Japanese Yen, and you will see this pairs in all forex display screens as "USD/JPY".
3- The Swiss Franc, and you will see this pairs in all forex display screens as "USD/CHF".
          However there is a problem in the forex market until this day, there is no one central exchange where everyone can exchange the currency. All the currency traded are done over the telephone and online through a very big networks that connects all the banks, brokers and currency traders with each others.
          Currency trading in the past was just for the banks, but today and after the new revolution electronic economy, online forex trading companies start to offer a lot of services to all traders around the world. Today if anyone have a computer and internet connection can easily start to trade currencies, but sure the experience and analysis is very important to success in forex game.

The final test of hope

At the lobby,she heard someone call her name. Wipping tears , she turned to the direction of the voice. A woman was hurrying towards her. “Chantali Qadrini “. she asked.
          “Yes ma’am, is something the matter?”
          “I’m Penny lane . would you come with me?”baffled.the girl followed the lady to an office. When they got there penny lane asked to sit before saying , “ I understand you’re supposed to have the promotion test at his hour”.
          Chantali avoided  Penny Lane’s eyes affraid the woman would she her tears “yes ,ma’am . but I haven’t paid the course fee, so i can’t take the test.
          “I see. Do you really want to study here ?”
The girl looked up and said clearly, “with all my heart.”
She faltered . “ I can’t afford to repeat.I don’t have the heart to ask my mom for another           term’s fee.”
          “What if I told you we would cover paying the course fee until you’ve completed all levels?”
Chantali was astonished . “ but.. what-how-why?”
          The lady explained we’relooking for promissing student for our scholarship program . we’ve  been looking at students records and yours met the requirements.
          Chantali still couldn’t belive her ears .” I-I still don’t understand how I could possibly get nominated . I’m not an outstanding student ,”she stamerred.
          Penny Lane smiled . “outstanding record is not the requirement .our aim is to help financially troubled student . your class teacher holds you in high regards . and besides ,we know your mother”.
          Incredolous, chantali asked . “ my mother?”
          “Don’t you know she is cleaning person here ?” it was she who first brought you into our           attention.
          “but,, she sells cookies at the market.. “
          Penny Lane smile again .” maybe she just didn’t want to embarrass you in front of your friends here . now,dear,I need you to fill out some forms. Here you are..”