In order to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia, the diselenggarakanlah a national education system.State provides the widest opportunity to every citizen to get an education and teaching.With education and teaching is expected to acquire knowledge and basic skills in preparation to be able to participate in the life of society, nation, and state.Basic capability in question is the ability to read, write and count, as well as in Indonesian.
Basic education is general education of nine years old, held for six years in primary school and three years in Junior High School or equivalent education unit.In the lane outside the school, the government provides a package of programs A and B package (equivalent to junior secondary school) for school-age children whose parents could not afford to enter elementary or secondary school.
Basic Education was held with the aim to provide basic skills provision to learners to develop life as a private, community members, citizens, and members of the human as well as prepare students to attend secondary education.
Therefore, education requires the handling of a very serious, especially the government that have budget authority.Through the national education goals contained in the Law on National Education System, the government should strive to develop the intellectual life of the nation and the Indonesian people who believe and ward off against Almighty God, virtuous, have the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, personalityan independent and fair, and a sense of responsibility kemasyarakat and nationality.
Problems in the education world is very complex.Even to say, education in this country like the tangled threads that are difficult to start from where.Among these problems is the low quality of education that resulted in the death of post-school students' creativity and fall of self-confidence when facing the world's students to work hard.School graduates often became sloppy with the nature of teenage children with her thick, and the farther from the reality of the surrounding community.In addition to these fundamental problems, other problems which arise are relatively low welfare of teachers, lack of basic education facilities, and limited operational costs of education.This should look for a solution, although done in stages.
Why Basic Education special pressure compared to other educational levels?Because according to education experts are Basic Education is the most severe.The ingredients are the most damaged compared to junior and senior high school.Not to mention it comes to the implementation of the learning process.With the passing of the national education law, we hope to fund 20% of the state budget really be realized and given to the world of education in this country.Often the educational funds allocated to the education bureaucracy and the ceremonial less useful.We expect that more education bureaucracy can take advantage of the state education budget effectively efficient so that touching the real needs of students.
Resilience of the body that are natural (innate immunity), since the human / individual born, in the body has been equipped with a set of immune system that are ready to face an attack. The immune system include the following:
Characteristically Physical Resilience Body
1. Leather. Leather is one of the first barrier of the body to protect itself from attacks originating from outside the body. Therefore, if there is widespread damage to the skin, the body will not be able to protect themselves, so that the person will easily become infected and often brings death.
2. Cilia. Cilia are hair cells that act to sweep or prohibit the pathogen enters the body. Therefore, if there is disruption of ciliated cells, such as the genital system or respiratory system, then the person concerned is very easy to become infected.
3. Mucous membranes. Mucous membrane is a material formed or secreted by the set to protect themselves from pathogens that enter the body. Conceptually, this mucous membranes in addition to containing a proteolytic enzyme to kill the pathogens that enter the body, also serves to protect the direct contact between the membranes of cells with pathogens.
Characteristically Cellular Resilience Body
1. Phagocytes. These cells contribute to memfagositosis any pathogens that enter the body. Often this sets ability to perform phagocytosis is influenced by factors of complement. Examples of phagocytes, including monocytes, and neutrophils (polymorforfonuclear / PMN).
2. NK cells. NK cells (Natural Killer cells) are the natural killer cells, which have the ability to kill abnormal sets (sets that have mutations) and sets that are infected by the virus.
Characteristically Resilience Body Solution
Resilience is the body that this solution can be divided into two, namely as follows:
1. Resilience of the body that are biochemical. Examples include gastric acid, lysozyme, and lactoferrin. It is known that the food consumed by humans of course, many contain pathogenic microorganisms. If these pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, it can arise a disease. To prevent this, stomach acid is one of the leading defense that play a role in killing pathogens that enter through food. Lysozyme is a proteolytic enzyme produced by cells and stored in the sac lysosomes. Lysozyme plays a role in killing pathogens inside the cell, which has difagositosis pathogens by phagocytes.
2. Humoral immune nature. Humoral immune nature can be a complement and C-reactive protein (CRP). Both materials are produced by liver cells because the stimulation proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a and IL-6. This material is a very important role in inflammatory reactions such as opsonisasi and dilation of blood vessels.
In the 1930s, the cooperative became a phenomenon that promises "enlightenment" in the economic system is polarized in the power of capitalism and socialism.Anthony Giddens, British sociologist, called the cooperative as the third way or "third way", a "middle way" between capitalism and socialism.In Indonesia alone, the cooperative idea has been around since the late 19th century, with the formation of non-governmental organizations to alleviate poverty among farmers by Patih Navan, Tirto Adisuryo. Maybe Booke correct in saying that the system of cooperative effort is more suitable for the natives than other forms of capitalist enterprise.Booke underlying thoughts looking at the characteristics of the Indonesian economy is not only seen from the economic structure, but also from cultural and social systems.However, Booke could also be wrong because in fact co-operatives can live and grow big in places that have different characters with the people of Indonesia. Current Conditions Cooperatives: Cooperative vs. Idiom Idiom GlobalizationSeeing the condition of co-operatives in Indonesia today is obvious that the realization of the role of cooperatives as Bung Hatta aspired not fully optimized.If around the year 1930, the cooperative was born naturally from the community, after Indonesia became independent, it then dominated by the government of his birth.This is what gives the load for the development of cooperatives in Indonesia.Domination by the government in the end is often misused in practice. When we hear the word cooperative, the ringing in our ears and become associated with the cooperative are issues such as subsidies, inefficiency, and bureaucracy.There are views that can not be fully blamed for that not a few cooperatives that grow because of the cooperative have greater opportunities to take the economic benefits of the project and government facilities.In essence, can not be denied that the cooperative movement is a movement that is loaded with the burden of history. Meanwhile, in the future, in an era of globalization, idioms that are associated in our minds is the efficiency, competitiveness, customer satisfaction, corporate value, and innovation.Jargon is almost irrelevant to our association with the cooperative.In fact, the current national economy is facing significant changes.Intensive economic globalization that took place since a decade ago have an impact on the emerging global market trends.With the formation of this global marketplace, every company can no longer assume the domestic market as its captive market.The formation of the global market allows players from around the world free to play in any domestic market.Challenges like these are faced by cooperatives in Indonesia. Indonesia Challenges Ahead and How to respond CooperativeLast week was just a meeting between trade and industry ministers of ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand at the State Palace.The meeting agreed to the establishment of free trade zone (free trade agreement) in 2007.Month this coming November will be discussed again by the country's leaders at the summit (the summit).Similar schemes are also ongoing in ASEAN's relations with South Korea, Japan, and China. These developments are increasingly showing that globalization continue to be issues that should concern us all.Currently we have a lot of promise and give binding commitments on globalization.If we do recording, Indonesia has tied many with various schedules of commitment, not only related to AFTA, but also with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asia-Pacific Cooperation (AP EC), either for the services sector and real sector. The agreement ultimately requires us to reform ourselves as well as consolidation in the country, either in terms of efficiency and increased competitiveness.If improvement is not made, the domestic economy would have faced invasion oversized corporate and multinational products.The improvement must be made by all sectors, not just big companies or corporations, but also by the efforts of medium and small, including cooperatives, if they still wanted to survive. Cooperatives as a business entity also tidal <exception in terms of preparing ourselves in the era of globalization.Are cooperatives can compete in the free market in this era of globalization?Some illustrations in other countries seems to be a lesson about how the cooperative is actually able to have global competitiveness.In Western Europe, North America, and Australia, co-operative into a container of small and lower middle income people.Cooperative development done efficiently as part of the national economy.One success story is from the Netherlands, RaboBank, mild bank <cooperatives that now is one of the largest banks in the world. Cooperatives can also compete in the free market while applying the principle of cooperation rather than competition.In the United States, more than 90 percent of rural electricity distribution is controlled by cooperatives.In Canada, the agricultural cooperatives established fertilizer industries and petroleum drilling.And in Scandinavian countries, the cooperative became pillars of the economy.In Germany, cooperative banks Raiffeissen very advanced and important role, with branch offices in cities and villages.In Indonesia there is actually a story about how the cooperative could build large-scale enterprises based on the collected capital of its members, such as the Joint Indonesian Batik Cooperatives (GIKBI). Some Thoughts to Accelerate the Role of CooperativesIf we examine our current situation, we can say that the condition of the nation's economy has shown significant progress, especially when compared with conditions in times of crisis.In fact, in more than one last year we have experienced macroeconomic stability, an important element for economic development of every nation.In the monetary sector, Bank Indonesia will continue to do the job, especially the front, Bank Indonesia will make a study of the anatomy of UMW and cooperative.In it we will further dissect berhagai existing problems in the sector prior to later determine policy priorities should be pursued immediately. Closing: Philosophy of Economic Development, "Leave No Man Behind"In closing, I want to convey that in economic development, we can not escape the economic ilmuilmu containing philosophical and ethical content.If we recall the classical tradition of economic thinkers (Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, John Stuart Mill in Utilitarianism and On Liberty, Werner Sombart with Nationalekonomi), they are constantly grappling with the problem of limited resources clan of human needs that are relatively unlimited.With all the high sophistication of current economic science, let us not forget the origins of the philosophical and ethical. In the process of economic development, we noticed frequent sectors of marginalized or forgotten, bail <by economic actors and policy makers.Usually these marginalized are those who are engaged in small, micro and medium enterprises, and several types of business entities that lack direction, such as cooperatives.In fact, small businesses have never questioned why they become small.They understand that there are differences in affluence, big-small, as an inevitable part in the economic system as we experience today.Namur issue is not on more or less, but more to an ethos: do not take everything so it is not anything left for others. Our economic development should be sensitive to this.In the past we too provide a large portion of the business conglomerate that is not much left for small businesses.Big business's desire to get everything will make a lot of others have no part whatever in the limited economic resources.At this point, what is called the spirit of economic development to get his life back.At this point, our role is required.Social justice will move from bottom to top.There are adage which says that the strength of a chain is not ditentul It is no exaggeration when I say, in the midst of our efforts to face the free market and globalization, which has a cooperative effort to build competitiveness, efficiency, corporate culture (corporate culture), and innovation, becoming the inevitable.Cooperatives are businesses get up most appropriate for the character of our nation in facing globalization.Therefore, our seminar today to be part of efforts to lift or carry back of cooperatives into the mainstream of nation building.Hopefully at the end of the day, we can get out of this room, not only with the questions, but also with significant and concrete answers for the development of cooperatives in the era of globalization
International cooperation for education also performed with many countries.However, the advancement of education in the U.S. to make Singapore more oriented to the U.S..Singapore Students often get the opportunity to undertake study tours to explore the world.For students who can be left to pay his own, but with university subsidy.However, for those who can not afford available scholarships that allow them to stay at the hotel, such as the JW Marriott.Imagine, for example, during one and a half months of graduate students at the Nanyang MBA Fellowship Programme lived in an apartment managed by JW Marriott in Boston.
So the issue is not on the facilities and scholarships.Students stay provides time and inclination to learn to persevere without must be disturbed by the lack of cost.Not only that, the Government of Singapore is not only willing to educate its citizens, but also willing to recruit prospective students and students from neighboring countries and to scholarship as well as offer employment opportunities in Singapore.Therefore, do not be surprised if there are people wither from Padang to Klaten studying in Singapore to help, including plane fare to go home during the holidays. Singapore aware of the potential labor shortages.Singapore's intention to offer a scholarship is not just making them as workers in Singapore one day.For students who return to work in their home country, at least expected to be a people who know and love with Singapore and Singapore could be a network in the future.Not only that, by inviting students from abroad, the Government of Singapore automatically make citizens accustomed to hanging out internationally while still in school.That's according to position Singapore as a regional hub so that citizens do not become like the frog under the shell. Speaking of syllabus and curriculum, the department of education in Singapore every time work to conduct the evaluation.Any new developments are always pasted on the new syllabus.So that is education in Singapore, not just menvediakan infrastructure is good, but continued to perform up-dating from year to year.It was all done as the embodiment of vision and mission of education in Singapore. Not only that, the climate of competition among families and communities in Singapore became one of the secret key to successful education in Singapore.Imagine, parents, colleagues, spouse, or boyfriend as "forcing" students and students to become champion once or not at all.Only one person won one.However, with this principle, everyone raced to get the best value and not infrequently a large number of students had the same A value of everything. What is lack of education in Singapore?There is no comparison with education in Indonesia, for example.That may still be lacking is the courage of students and student talk in classrooms and questioned the truth of the state system that is not so free.Singaporean students are not so fussy in the classroom as community.This is realized by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (BG Lee).Freedom of expression nationally ala Singapore turned out to have an impact on classes.So, now BG Lee offers a new paradigm, namely freedom of speech
For each bank, information technology is quite important especially for the bank rite!, Its existence can not be negotiable, considering the extensive operational network. In addition, retail banks in general have a networking outlets, spread from town to villages in our country. Without the help of information technology, banks will encounter many obstacles, such as speed becomes slow and did not report accurate and service and information will be less rapid. Moreover, retail banks are known to have the amount of labor that much that needs to be assisted by a reliable technology modernization. For that, the necessary electronic equipment in the form of hardware (hardware) and software (software) with the assistance of consultants experienced in both national and international level. The problem, to be able to apply information technology system that required substantial funds.
To modernize the technology in integrated systems on line in the real time is. Bank directors are faced with the challenge (challenging), with some consideration for the sake of promoting bank services and bank image name and the level of bank competition is getting tighter, it is necessary budget (budget) substantial funds. Consumer banking products is required in order to develop opportunities for banks, for example, developing alliances with other banks, such as ATM sharing, adding to outlets in the form of ATM, ATM, payment points, phone banking, mobile banking, RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement).
The sophistication of computerized equipment that will not be able dijalankanidioperasikan without the use of employees / staff who have been trained through special training and have attended seminars both domestically and abroad. Equipment is manufactured equipment from abroad (eg USA, Japan, Germany, and Korea) and every time sophistication always or frequently change because new products are more sophisticated with good quality and efficient.
For bank services using advanced technology taken into account by a competitor, it takes a special fund to hire transfonder (satellite) separately, as done by the Bank BCA. In the development of retail banks are required to improve the function of intermediation with credit channel kecii. However, because of the tendency of the SBI interest rate declines, a result banks are also expected to lower interest rate loans. If this happens, the bank's revenue would be reduced. Though over-head for retail bank with many employees Alcan increase in employee costs.
Olch, therefore, bank leaders should try to find innovation, for example by seeking breakthroughs like doing a side business income in the form of fee-based income. Efforts ml among others, by way of introducing new products of high-tech, such as Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM sharing with other banks to charge fees, Phone Banking Payment Point, and so forth. In addition, the bank also increased the service transfers (remittances), either domestically or overseas with the administration charge. Pelryanan banking business in the field of exports and imports also merupalcan fee-based in, Ome which must be dug and ditinglcatkan.
Banks can use their skills in information technology appropriately and to satisfy its customers with a fast full-time ministry, for example, is BCA. The way business is payment system (facilities, payment of financial transactions). Thus, it can be imagined if it can be performed by other banks, such income would be very helpful kincrja bank. Thus, the bank is expected to be a healthy bank / successful.
Technological advances make it even easier modern society in conducting banking transactions. Among them through phone banking (fixed and mobile), ATM, debit cards and Internet banking.
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), debit cards,internet banking, mobile banking a lot to change the face of the banking sector. Early on, people are reluctant to use what is called electronic banking.
Now is not his time anymore bank customers queue in front of the cashier. Almost all banking transactions can now be done without face to face to face. Only with the help of electronic devices are all resolved. There is an ATM, debit card, telephone, Internet handphonehingga.
Let's just say, customers can easily perform banking transactions only from the bed. Early in the morning woke up, sat on the edge of the mattress; kucek-kucek eyes, ambit mobile phone, push it push here, a flash right away millions of dollars already slid from satay account to another account. Then, send a short message or a call to a designated partner "I've transferred the money". Done!
Transfer money via mobile phones or which is now commonly known as mobile banking is very flexible, does not depend on the time and place. Can be done while flying anywhere and operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Money sent and received immediately.
The rapid development of so-called electronic banking (e-banking, electronic banking) starting from the ATM machine was introduced in the mid-1980s. Bank Niaga is the first to use the ATM. Followed BCA also developed a network of this magical machine. Then also other banks.
Initially the layman to use the ATM in doubt. Safe or not ya? Could come out with the number exactly as requested or not? Bcrkurangkah money in the account without being asked? Many parties have not looked at the reliability of this machine. There's even a sneer.
ATMs that do not require a short time to receive the community. "New customers accustomed to using an ATM about 10 years later," said Ina Kelvin. Deputy Head of Consumer Banking Division of the BCA. That's when the ATM growing rapidly. Automatic teller machine is easily to be found everywhere. The network expanded. Customers increasingly familiar with the ATM. "It takes ongoing education customers," said Ina.
ATM was first developed because of the emergence of alternative purposes other than transactions in bank branches. "It was felt there is a need for service banking transactions that are not only at the branch," said Yuli Rahmaasih, Electronic Delivery and Customer Educating Networking Division Head, Bank Niaga.
Features ATM services are increasingly diverse and complete, not only take cash only. Transfers between accounts within the same bank can be done through ATMs. Later can bank transfer. Commerce Bank and other banks to develop the ATM Bersama network that reaches Artajasa's 7500 ATMs across Indonesia. Customers of each bank that joins gets to tank easiness cash, balance, and bank transfer ATM Bersama member on-line real time
The country of Australia is located on the
smallest of the worlds seven continents. It is known for its beautiful ,desert
lanscape ,its deep and clear blue seas ,and its unique wildlife. The capital of
Australia is canberra.
Australia is the only nation
that takes up a whole continent . that makes it one of the largest countries in
the world. The continent , however, is the smallest in the world. Australia has
an area of about 3 million square miles (7.7 million square kilometers). That makes
it slightly smaller than the Continental United States. The island continent is
located to the south of Asia. To the west is the Indian Ocean.To the east is
the pasific Ocean. More than 1000 miles (1.600 kilometers) to the southeats is
New Zeland
For the most part ,
Australia is flat and very dry . the only continent that receives less
precipitation is Antartica .the country’s major rivers are the Darling and the
Murray, which run throught the southeastrn territories. Because of the dry
conditions, most australians live along the coasts . the central region of the
country , called the outback or Bush is home to very few people.
The country is home to an
Amazing variety of animal life unique to Austalia. Rare species include the emu
and doglike creature known as dingoes. There are only three species of mammals
that lay eggs in the world. Australia is the home of all three . the most
famous is the platypus.
Many of the marsupials of
the world are found in Australia. The country’s most famous marsupials are
kangaroos. Other include the koala ,the wombat, and the wallaby.
7 Factors That Cause Hair Loss Who would have thought pollution and cavities was found to cause hair loss. Here are seven external factors beyond our everyday habits that were a direct effect on hair loss and damage.
1. Strict dietThis problem most often occurs in women. Because you want to have a slim body, the diet was carried-out until without realizing the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. Of course, any nutrients to the hair so not fulfilled. Excessive dieting to make weight dropped dramatically in a short time, and this makes the hair shaft becomes weak, easily broken, and easily plucked from its roots. 2. SmokeBesides bad for health, smoking also can inhibit the supply of oxygen to the hair, causing hair nutritional deficiencies. In addition, smoking is also proven to accelerate the aging process, and one of the signs of aging is hair loss and even baldness in men. 3. StressWhen under stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol and noradrenaline. Both of these hormones make the hair "rest" and not producing new hair. So during stress, hair loss may not be increased, but the hair loss will not be replaced by new hair. The good news, this condition will last only during stress. After the stress ended, the hair cells would be back in production. 4. PollutionLiving in the city makes us vulnerable to pollution. Motor vehicle exhaust fumes are the worst type of pollution for the hair because if exposed to the hair can cause hair to become weak and easily fall out. Living in the village do not guarantee free hair exposed to pollution, because there are pesticides used to eradicate pests in rice fields and gardens can also cause hair loss when exposed to the hair. 5. SunSunlight is good for us, especially to stimulate the production of vitamin D. But if hair is too long exposed to sunlight without any protection at all, not just the hair can become dry and brittle, but also branched. 6. The chemicals in hair productsStraightening, perming, coloring, and various types of treatment on a regular hair done at salons, must use products that contain chemicals. Once or twice was okay, but too often fiddling with your hair with these products it will make the hair brittle and damaged. 7. CavitiesDo not underestimate cavities, especially if you've reached the stage of infection. The body will produce more white blood cells to fight infection, and white blood cells will be distributed to the hair follicles, which would make him stop producing hair altogether. If allowed, not infrequently patients tooth infection go bald in one small area in the head. Location of hair loss is usually close to the position of the tooth with an infection. In men, sometimes a tooth infection loss also affects the eyebrows or
Spine cancer is very rarely encountered.Cases of cancer of the spine of the most common is the metastasis, which is cancer originating from other parts of the body and spread to the spine.When cancer spreads, or originated in this region, usually affects one or more parts of the spine.If someone develops cancer of the spine, either primary or secondary, it will show different symptoms of the disease. Primary bone cancer in the spine are rare.Cancer in the spine can cause destruction of healthy cells of bone patients.Cancer tumors not only damage the bones of the spine but also damage the spinal cord sufferers.Symptoms of bone cancer in the spine include pain, broken bones and numbness or weakness. Pain The most common sign of cancer of the bone in the spine is pain in the neck or back.The pain will continue and be accompanied by other symptoms.This pain can be just in the back, can also spread to other limbs.Development depends only on the location of abnormal growths.If the cancer is causing a small amount of inflammation and irritation, the pain usually remains behind.If the cancer is pressing the nerve, the pain diffuse out to the "branch" agencies.No matter the source of pain, cancer of the spine cause chronic discomfort.
Weakness If the cancer place considerable pressure on the nerves, a person will suffer from weakness.This is largely due to the interference with the impulses from the spinal cord.If the cancer causing major inflammation in the back, the brain is no longer able to communicate well with his feet.As a result, patients may find it difficult to walk, carrying, reaching for something, or holding. Sensitivity decreases Cancer of the spine can affect the sensation of touch.Because the spinal cord is the nerve center, inflammation or pressure in this area can lead to a reduction of sensation.Object may no longer feel hot or cold to the touch.Similar to the inability of the brain to communicate with the limb, the limb becomes fully communicate with the brain.
Incontinence Cancer spine can also cause incontinence.These symptoms are very similar to the weakness, because the pressure on certain nerves in the spine that is responsible for controlling the performance of the bladder and intestine.If the impulse is interrupted, can cause a person to lose control of their bladder, bowel, or both.
Paralysis Along with the development of cancer of the spine, a person may suffer from paralysis.Depending on the severity of cancer, paralysis can be isolated to one limb.The size and location of growth determines the amount of paralysis, because the cancer can get to the point where the nerves seemed to break or lesion has been formed on the nerve itself