Senin, 25 April 2011


In order to improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia, the diselenggarakanlah a national education system. State provides the widest opportunity to every citizen to get an education and teaching. With education and teaching is expected to acquire knowledge and basic skills in preparation to be able to participate in the life of society, nation, and state. Basic capability in question is the ability to read, write and count, as well as in Indonesian.

Basic education is general education of nine years old, held for six years in primary school and three years in Junior High School or equivalent education unit. In the lane outside the school, the government provides a package of programs A and B package (equivalent to junior secondary school) for school-age children whose parents could not afford to enter elementary or secondary school.

Basic Education was held with the aim to provide basic skills provision to learners to develop life as a private, community members, citizens, and members of the human as well as prepare students to attend secondary education.

Therefore, education requires the handling of a very serious, especially the government that have budget authority. Through the national education goals contained in the Law on National Education System, the government should strive to develop the intellectual life of the nation and the Indonesian people who believe and ward off against Almighty God, virtuous, have the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, personality an independent and fair, and a sense of responsibility kemasyarakat and nationality.

Problems in the education world is very complex. Even to say, education in this country like the tangled threads that are difficult to start from where. Among these problems is the low quality of education that resulted in the death of post-school students' creativity and fall of self-confidence when facing the world's students to work hard. School graduates often became sloppy with the nature of teenage children with her thick, and the farther from the reality of the surrounding community. In addition to these fundamental problems, other problems which arise are relatively low welfare of teachers, lack of basic education facilities, and limited operational costs of education. This should look for a solution, although done in stages.

Why Basic Education special pressure compared to other educational levels? Because according to education experts are Basic Education is the most severe. The ingredients are the most damaged compared to junior and senior high school. Not to mention it comes to the implementation of the learning process.With the passing of the national education law, we hope to fund 20% of the state budget really be realized and given to the world of education in this country. Often the educational funds allocated to the education bureaucracy and the ceremonial less useful. We expect that more education bureaucracy can take advantage of the state education budget effectively
efficient so that touching the real needs of students.

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