Sabtu, 23 April 2011


In the 1930s, the cooperative became a phenomenon that promises "enlightenment" in the economic system is polarized in the power of capitalism and socialism. Anthony Giddens, British sociologist, called the cooperative as the third way or "third way", a "middle way" between capitalism and socialism. In Indonesia alone, the cooperative idea has been around since the late 19th century, with the formation of non-governmental organizations to alleviate poverty among farmers by Patih Navan, Tirto Adisuryo.
Maybe Booke correct in saying that the system of cooperative effort is more suitable for the natives than other forms of capitalist enterprise. Booke underlying thoughts looking at the characteristics of the Indonesian economy is not only seen from the economic structure, but also from cultural and social systems.However, Booke could also be wrong because in fact co-operatives can live and grow big in places that have different characters with the people of Indonesia.
Current Conditions Cooperatives: Cooperative vs. Idiom Idiom GlobalizationSeeing the condition of co-operatives in Indonesia today is obvious that the realization of the role of cooperatives as Bung Hatta aspired not fully optimized. If around the year 1930, the cooperative was born naturally from the community, after Indonesia became independent, it then dominated by the government of his birth. This is what gives the load for the development of cooperatives in Indonesia. Domination by the government in the end is often misused in practice.
When we hear the word cooperative, the ringing in our ears and become associated with the cooperative are issues such as subsidies, inefficiency, and bureaucracy. There are views that can not be fully blamed for that not a few cooperatives that grow because of the cooperative have greater opportunities to take the economic benefits of the project and government facilities. In essence, can not be denied that the cooperative movement is a movement that is loaded with the burden of history.
Meanwhile, in the future, in an era of globalization, idioms that are associated in our minds is the efficiency, competitiveness, customer satisfaction, corporate value, and innovation. Jargon is almost irrelevant to our association with the cooperative. In fact, the current national economy is facing significant changes. Intensive economic globalization that took place since a decade ago have an impact on the emerging global market trends. With the formation of this global marketplace, every company can no longer assume the domestic market as its captive market. The formation of the global market allows players from around the world free to play in any domestic market. Challenges like these are faced by cooperatives in Indonesia.
Indonesia Challenges Ahead and How to respond CooperativeLast week was just a meeting between trade and industry ministers of ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand at the State Palace. The meeting agreed to the establishment of free trade zone (free trade agreement) in 2007. Month this coming November will be discussed again by the country's leaders at the summit (the summit). Similar schemes are also ongoing in ASEAN's relations with South Korea, Japan, and China.
These developments are increasingly showing that globalization continue to be issues that should concern us all. Currently we have a lot of promise and give binding commitments on globalization. If we do recording, Indonesia has tied many with various schedules of commitment, not only related to AFTA, but also with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asia-Pacific Cooperation (AP EC), either for the services sector and real sector.
The agreement ultimately requires us to reform ourselves as well as consolidation in the country, either in terms of efficiency and increased competitiveness. If improvement is not made, the domestic economy would have faced invasion oversized corporate and multinational products.The improvement must be made by all sectors, not just big companies or corporations, but also by the efforts of medium and small, including cooperatives, if they still wanted to survive.
Cooperatives as a business entity also tidal <exception in terms of preparing ourselves in the era of globalization. Are cooperatives can compete in the free market in this era of globalization? Some illustrations in other countries seems to be a lesson about how the cooperative is actually able to have global competitiveness. In Western Europe, North America, and Australia, co-operative into a container of small and lower middle income people. Cooperative development done efficiently as part of the national economy. One success story is from the Netherlands, RaboBank, mild bank <cooperatives that now is one of the largest banks in the world.
Cooperatives can also compete in the free market while applying the principle of cooperation rather than competition. In the United States, more than 90 percent of rural electricity distribution is controlled by cooperatives. In Canada, the agricultural cooperatives established fertilizer industries and petroleum drilling.And in Scandinavian countries, the cooperative became pillars of the economy. In Germany, cooperative banks Raiffeissen very advanced and important role, with branch offices in cities and villages. In Indonesia there is actually a story about how the cooperative could build large-scale enterprises based on the collected capital of its members, such as the Joint Indonesian Batik Cooperatives (GIKBI).
Some Thoughts to Accelerate the Role of CooperativesIf we examine our current situation, we can say that the condition of the nation's economy has shown significant progress, especially when compared with conditions in times of crisis. In fact, in more than one last year we have experienced macroeconomic stability, an important element for economic development of every nation. In the monetary sector, Bank Indonesia will continue to do the job, especially the front, Bank Indonesia will make a study of the anatomy of UMW and cooperative. In it we will further dissect berhagai existing problems in the sector prior to later determine policy priorities should be pursued immediately.
Closing: Philosophy of Economic Development, "Leave No Man Behind"In closing, I want to convey that in economic development, we can not escape the economic ilmuilmu containing philosophical and ethical content. If we recall the classical tradition of economic thinkers (Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, John Stuart Mill in Utilitarianism and On Liberty, Werner Sombart with Nationalekonomi), they are constantly grappling with the problem of limited resources clan of human needs that are relatively unlimited. With all the high sophistication of current economic science, let us not forget the origins of the philosophical and ethical.
In the process of economic development, we noticed frequent sectors of marginalized or forgotten, bail <by economic actors and policy makers. Usually these marginalized are those who are engaged in small, micro and medium enterprises, and several types of business entities that lack direction, such as cooperatives.In fact, small businesses have never questioned why they become small. They understand that there are differences in affluence, big-small, as an inevitable part in the economic system as we experience today. Namur issue is not on more or less, but more to an ethos: do not take everything so it is not anything left for others.
Our economic development should be sensitive to this. In the past we too provide a large portion of the business conglomerate that is not much left for small businesses. Big business's desire to get everything will make a lot of others have no part whatever in the limited economic resources. At this point, what is called the spirit of economic development to get his life back. At this point, our role is required. Social justice will move from bottom to top. There are adage which says that the strength of a chain is not ditentul
It is no exaggeration when I say, in the midst of our efforts to face the free market and globalization, which has a cooperative effort to build competitiveness, efficiency, corporate culture (corporate culture), and innovation, becoming the inevitable. Cooperatives are businesses get up most appropriate for the character of our nation in facing globalization. Therefore, our seminar today to be part of efforts to lift or carry back of cooperatives into the mainstream of nation building. Hopefully at the end of the day, we can get out of this room, not only with the questions, but also with significant and concrete answers for the development of cooperatives in the era of globalization

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